Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, October 22 - Early Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.
Friday, October 31 - Halloween Parties at 1:30 We will dress at 1:00. Parade will begin at 1:15. Party will begin at 1:30
Spelling The pattern this week - words with ie. Remember the rhyme: i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh.
Test on Friday over unit 7 words.
English - This week the students will continue the study of figurative language. They will share figurative language that they find in their independent reading as well as from magazines, newspapers, advertisement and t.v.
The students will use sensory words and figurative language to "paint a picture" in their readers mind as they describe their favorite fruit. They will use "voice" to make their description come alive for the reader.
Would anyone be interested in sending in a fruit salad Wednesday, Ocotober 29th, to help us in celebrating our hard work on our descriptions? Please let me know if you would be interested.
Reading - The students will finish their reading projects. They are making a flap book which shows the story structure of the book they read during their independent reading.
Towards the middle of the week we will begin reading Charlottes' Web. This will be their independent reading book for the next couple of weeks. They should bring this book home each night to read and then bring it back to school every day.
This week the children will analyze the characters in the story and identify their personality traits based on their behaviors.
Science We will begin a new unit. The students will begin to study the "Big Idea" Living things inherit traits, grow, and develop according to life cycles. The first essential question they will study is What is Heredity? They will investigate their own inherited characteristics. How do parents pass traits to their offspring?
Social Studies We will continue our study of the Northeast. The students will learn that the Northeast was the birthplace of the abolitionist movement. They will compare the similarities and differences of the abolitionist movement and the women's rights movement. Who were the reformers and why did they fight for the voting rights of women?
A test is planned over unit 5 on Tuesday, October 28th.
Math- A test over chapter 3 is on Monday. The students have a pretest to help them study the information that will be on the test. They should also have their books for extra practice.
We will begin multiplication this week. Please look for handouts to come home. Family involvement is going to be very important in the process of your child learning their facts.