Friday, December 7, 2007

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class December 10th-14th

Thank you all so much for your very generous gifts to our "family" and the Children's Shelter. We were able to send to the families and shelter many wonderful gifts and gift cards. You have helped to make their holidays a happy and memorable one. Thank you again!

Turn in permission slips for movie and pizza money if you want pizza on Friday, Dec. 21st.

Reading Our Reading Club party will be on Wednesday of this week. This is a change in the schedule from Tuesday. All folders must be in by Tuesday, December 11th. Remember this is part of your grade as well.

We will finish A Family Apart this week. The students will take a short quiz on the book to show their understanding of the vocabulary and comprehension throughout the story. We will then begin a unit on using different text structures. The first text structure will be the study of main idea, topic sentence and supporting details. Along with text structures, the students will choose a book they would like to read for our "Book Club". They will then be responsible for applying the strategies that we have covered since the beginning of the year to completing the "Book Club" discussion sheets.

English The students will work on a creative writing activity in the beginning of the week. "What happens when they find Frosty's hat on the ground and put it on their head?" We will begin a new unit on action verbs. The students will review what verbs, main verbs and helping verbs are.

Social Studies This week the students will learn about the way of life of The Cherokee Indians who lived in the area of the Southeast Region-Southern Allegheny Mountains-parts of Virginia, North ad South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. They will compare the life of the Cherokee Indians before and after the settlers moved in. They will look at the similarities between the Cherokee Constitution and the U.S. Constitution and also discuss how the Eastern Cherokee keep their culture strong?

Science This week the science test over chapter 4 has be changed to Thursday instead of Tuesday of this week.

What to study:


Worksheets and papers in science folder

Main concepts of each lesson:

Know the different structures that help plants and animals survive. Be able to tell about two of each and explain the importance.

Know the behaviors that help animals survive and be able to explain each behavior using examples.

Know how changes in the enviornment affect survival. Be able tell at least three ways the environment can change (pollution of air, water, land & oil leaks) Explain using examples of how each of these changes can affect the survival of plants and animals.)

Math We will review probability on Monday. The students will explore and evaluate the fairness of games. We will have a test on Wednesday of this week over graphs. Parents can help their children by reviewing the concepts of mean, median, and range and practicing the review lessons at the end of the chapter. 8x's will be tested on Friday.