Tuesday, Dec. 16- Early dismissal, 11:00
Math- This week in math the students will determine if a question needs an estimate or exact answer. They will multiply across zeros. There will be a test on Thursday of this week over chapter 4. The students should study the pages in their binder. There are usually extra pages in their workbook that we have not completed and they can use those extra pages in chapter 4 to practice as well. There will also be a review sheet coming home for practice.
Spelling- The students will be working with words that have the sounds of /or/, /ur/, and /yoor/. They will be responsible for workbook pages 167-169 or activities if they passed out of their list words.
Reading - This week in reading, the students will write an essay that will compare Athena to Gloria Estefan. They will connect the two with the Big Idea that a hero is defined by her good works and determination to overcome obstacles. Understanding fact and opinion will be the skill focus this week, and we will begin our first close read of the biography of Lou Gehrig.
English- There will be an English test over chapter 2, nouns, on Thursday of this week. The students will have homework that they bring home to help them study for the test. There are also pages at the end of the chapter for them to practice and review the skill of nouns.
Science- The students will understand that animals grow and develop in different ways. They will learn about direct development, animals that look the same as their parents when they are born, but they are just smaller and do not go through many changes. Incomplete metamorphosis, is when when the animal is born they have most the parts of the adult, but they do not have all of them. Finally, metamorphosis, is when an animal does not look like their parents at all when they are born, and they go through major changes in their body form as they grow.
Social Studies - The test is on Friday, Dec. 5 over chapter 6 The Land of the Southeast. The students should study the vocabulary and the main concepts from each lesson. They should study the sheets in their folder.
They should know:
land forms found in the Southeast
understand characteristics of: Appalachian Mountains, inner Coastal Plains, Outer Coastal Plains, Piedmont
climate of the Southeast (warm/humid)
lighthouses in the past/present
animals that live in the different areas of the Southeast
resources of the Southeast (what comes from a logging industry? What is burned to run generators?) Crops that grow well in the Southeast and explain why they grow well there.
Be able to explain what a hurricane is using several details.
Be able to explain how hurricanes can be dangerous using several details.
What State would you like to visit in the Southeast and why?