Friday, January 27, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 30-Feb. 4

Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, Feb. 14 Valentine's Day party
Monday, Feb. 20 No School Presdent's Day
Wednesday, Feb. 23 Spring Pictures
Tuesday, Feb. 28 Early Dismissal

Don't forget Cancer Smashers and been extended to Monday, January 30th. If you wish to donate on-line, please see link:

Totals: District 61: $10, 344.22
District 66: 6, 768.71

Also, be sure to watch the 10:00 news tonight on Channel 2. They will be airing a special segment on our Lakeview/Prairieview vs. Eisenhower/Lace Cancer Smashers fundraiser!

Math - In math this week, we will have a test over chapter 19 on Wednesday. They should bring their textbooks home to help them study and review the lessons in the chapter. On Thursday, we will continue our study of geometry and review similar and congruent figures and study line and rotational geometry.

Spelling - This week will be a review week. The students will be tested on words that they have worked with throughout theme 4.

Reading - The reading strategy that we will be studying next week is summarizing. When reading passages, it is not necessary to recall every word. Instead, we will practice using main ideas and supporting evidence to summarize a passage. While reading, a good reader finds the main ideas, whether they are stated or implied. Then, the reader must find supporting evidence to support the main idea. This support may be in the form of details, examples, explanations or descriptions.

We will also continue to work on our extended reading responses. The students will write a response to their reading passage.

English - We will begin a new unit on adjectives this week. The students will identify adjectives and the noun they describe. They will practice elaborating sentences that using adjectives.

Social Studies - How has erosion shaped the South Dakota, Badlands? The students will describe the landscape and climate of the Badlands 67 million years ago.

Science - There will be a test over the Human Body on Tuesday of this week. The students should know:

All vocabulary

Understand the steps of the digestive system

Understand the main functions and organs of each system

Know the purpose of platelets

Understand what happens if you fall and scrape your knee: what is torn, and how will the platelets help

purpose of the arteries, veins

purpose of white blood cells

Know the different kinds of joints in the body and be able to give examples of each.

Know the kinds of muscles, and how they work together,

What are four jobs of the bones
How are messages carried from your brain throughout your body

Friday, January 20, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 23-27

Important Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, Jan. 25 -Early Dismissal 11:00
Friday, Feb. 3 - Movie Night (forms on line)
Tuesday, Feb. 14 - Valentine's Day party 1:30 Students may bring in Valentine's to pass out to the class.
Monday, Feb. 20 - No School President's Day

Math - We will begin a new unit in math on geometry. The students will identify, describe and draw points, lines, line segments, rays and planes. They will also classify, and draw right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles and identify, describe and draw intersecting parallel, and perpendicular lines. I will give a multiplication fact test on Friday of this week. They should know their multiplication facts 0-12.

Spelling - This week in spelling the students will be working with words that have the vccv pattern (vowel consonant consonant vowel) pattern. They will be responsible for writing their words 2 x's each on Monday, and workbook pages 59-61 throughout the week. I will check them each morning.

Reading - The reading skill that we will work on this week is the identification of character, setting and plot. Students will fill out story structure maps as they read fiction to help them organize their thoughts and identify the main characters, setting & plot.

The students will have a test over verbs Unit 3 on Thursday of this week. They will bring homework home to do each day to help them review and practice.

Social Studies The students will understand the effect of changing the Chicago River flow on transporting goods from Lake Michigan. They will understand how locks and canals work and their importance to the transportation of people and goods from place to place.

Science - The students will use their knowledge of the human body to build their own body system. There is a test planned for next Wednesday over the human body. The students should begin reviewing the vocabulary this week, and going over the outlines in their binders.

Friday, January 13, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 16-Jan. 20

Dates to Remember:
Monday, Jan. 16 - No School
Wednesday, Jan. 25 - Early Dismissal
Monday, Feb. 20 - No School, Presidents' Day
Tuesday, Feb. 28 - Early Dismissal

Math -
We will review the skills in chapter 8, and there will be a test on Thursday of this week over chapter 8. The fact timed test 0-9 will be on Tuesday of this week since we had MAP testing on Friday last week. Then we will move into geometry. The students will identify, describe, and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes.

Spelling - In spelling this week the students will work with the final /j/ and /s/ sounds in words. They will be responsible for workbook pages 44-45. I will be checking each day to be sure they have their assignments done. Since we do not have school on Monday, on Wednesday, they will need to turn in their words written 2x's each. on Thursday, they will need to turn in W.B. page 44, Friday W.B. page 45 and be ready for their test.

The comprehension skill that we will be focusing on this week is drawing conclusions. Good readers use details in a story to draw conclusions about characters and events. Students may use graphic organizers to gather details from a story to draw conclusions. They will learn that it is possible to draw more than one conclusion from the same details.

We will also work be writing extended responses to show understanding of our reading.

English - This week in English the students will identify and write past tense verbs with helping verbs and irregular verbs. They will also recognize and use the different forms of the verb be. They will form contractions using verbs and the word not. There will be a test on Wednesday, January 25th over verbs, unit 3.

Science - The essential question this week is "How Does Your Body Think and Move?" This week the students will describe the jobs of the nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. They will also describe how the muscular and skeletal systems work together to move the body.

Social Studies - We will be traveling into the Midwest Region this week. The students will be responsible for coloring in a Midwest Region map according to the guidelines. They will have a Map test on Friday, where they will have to identify the states in the Midwest, all the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi River.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 9-13

Important Events
Tuesday, Jan. 10- MAP test Reading
Tuesday, Jan. 10 - In class practice Spelling B
Wednesday, Jan. 11 - In class Spelling B (winner and runner up will be chosen to participate in the whole grade spelling B on Friday, Jan. 13.)
Friday, Jan. 13 - MAP testing Math, 4th grade Spelling B
Monday, Jan. 16 - No School/ Martin Luther King Day
Friday, Jan. 27th - Family Bingo Night (Mrs. Cavoto will be there!) Information has been e-mailed about it with the form. Space is limited.

Math - In math this week the students will make and interpret bar, double bar, circle, and line graphs. They will also learn to identify, locate, and graph points on a coordinate grid and describe paths. There is a test over chapter 8 scheduled for Thursday, January 19th. There will be a division fact test 0-9 on Thursday of this week. The students should continue to practice their facts.

Spelling - We will have our practice spelling B in class on Tuesday, Jan. 10. We will have the next in class Spelling B on Wednesday, Jan. 11 when a winner and runner up will be chosen to participate in the whole 4th grade Spelling B which is on Friday, January 13. The students brought their lists home before the holiday, and they should have it in their binders.

The spelling lesson this week working with words that have a final long e sound. The workbook pages that they will need to work on throughout the week are pages 29-31. I have established a new routine, and I will check to be sure that the assignments have been completed each morning. So on Tuesday morning they should turn in their words written two times each. On Wednesday morning they should show me that they have finished the workbook page for that day. On Thursday morning they will show me they have completed the work for that day. The same will go for Friday, and I will collect one of the pages they have done throughout the week to grade.

Reading This week, we will be working on the reading target of identifying the problem and the solution. Most stories involve a problem for the character to solve, and the solution to the problem may come after others have been tried.

English - This week in English the students will learn to write verbs so that the verb tenses are consistent. They will also form the past and present tense form of the verb and choose correct present tense verbs for singular and plural subjects.

Science - What is the systems body's source of nutrients? (food) Which system is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients the body can use? (The digestive system) The students will learn about the digestive system, respiratory system, and the circulatory system this week.

Social Studies - The students will Use their knowledge of the Cherokee culture and their life in the 1500's before and after the Europeans came to draw and label a picture of their culture, or make a time line of important events in their lives at that time. They will follow a rubric and be graded on this assignment.