Friday, September 26, 2008
News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room
Tuesday, September 30th - Last magazine turn in day. Our class is in first place keep up the good work!
Friday, October 3 - map test in social studies on Northeast Region
Tuesday, October 7 - Chapter 4 Social Studies test
Friday, October 16 - Reading folders due (please see the change of date)
Spelling: The skill this week is words with oi. Test will be on Friday. They should practice writing their words in cursive at least one time each day.
English: I will be giving a DOL test on Friday. This will be a test where the students will have to find the errors in the sentence and then write the sentences correctly. The students should practice writing sentences correctly, using punctuation (commas, quotation marks, periods, question marks, exclamation pts.) and capital letters. It will help them review the skills that were just tested.
This week we will review the different types of sentences. They will understand what makes a sentence and be able to identify the complete subject and complete predicate of a sentence.
Reading The reading strategy this week is predicting probable outcomes. The students will read stories and fill out prediction sheets which will help them to make predictions of future outcomes.
This week we will continue our work with prefixes and suffixes.The children will understand that these can help them recognize the root word and find the meaning of words. We will also review compound words. The children will recognize that you can tell the meaing of a word by determing the meaning of each part.
Students should not forget to be reading every night. Folders should be turned in after 7 days of reading. The last day for turn in is October 16th. This is worth 4 points of their reading grade.
Math This week in math we will review the Break Apart mental math strategy. We will also review fact families and estimating sums and differences. The students will add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers. A test is planned for Friday, October 3 over chapter 2. Please review all sheets in their binders. They should bring home their books so they can review.
Science This week the students will study the question: How are Plants and Fungi Classified?
They will observe the function of a plant stem and describe the structures of vascular and nonvascular plants. They will also describe the structure of fungi and compare and contrast fungi to plants.
Social Studies We will continue our study of the Northeast. The students are making maps and labeling the states with the different physical traits that they are known for. The Appalachian Mountain Range is the oldest chain of mountains in North America. The children are locating the smaller mountain ranges that make it up, and they are placing them on their maps. They will also identify some of the products of the Northeast such as quarries, maple syrup, grapes, and minerals.
A map test is planned for Friday of this week. They will need to be able to identify the names of the states in the Northeast region and the important bodies of water. They will be given extra points for also identifying the capitals of each of those state. A chapter 4 test is planned for Tuesday, October 7th over the Northeast Region.
Things to know:
Concept reviews at the end of each section
all vocabulary
Study all sheets in their binders
Differences between the coast of Maine and the Coast of New Jersey
Challenges that threaten the fish population of Chesapeake Bay and ways to save the Bay
How is Niagra Falls important to the people in the Northeast region?
How are the Green Mountains and the White Mountains alike/different? Be able to compare and contrast
Friday, September 19, 2008
News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room
Things to Remember:
- Tuesday, Sept. 23 & Thursday, Sept. 25 - Magazine turn in Days
- Thursday, Sept. 25 - Picture Day
- Tuesday, Sept. 30 - Last Magazine turn in day
Spelling The skill this week is words with ea. Many words with ea have different sounds. We will have a test on Friday. Please have your kids practice writing their words at least one time each in cursive.
English We will review writing quotations correctly. The students will also practice writing the title of books correctly.
The test over the skills in unit 5 has been postponed until Wednesday of this week. They should bring their books home to go over the review sections at the end of the chapter.
Reading The children will be reading stories and using their strategies to find phrases and clues which will help them determine the author's view point and probable outcomes of the story. The word study for this week will be on rootwords, prefixes, and suffixes, and compound words.
Math This week in math the students will continue to learn about rounding whole numbers through the millions. They will also use front end estimation to estimate sums and differences, and use mental math strategies to find sums and differences.
Please have them practice addition and subtraction at home. This will help them with the higher level skills in this chapter.
Science In this unit the students are learning the "Big Idea" that living things are grouped according to their characteristics. They learned a cheer to help them know the 5 kingdoms that scientists use to classify living things and some of their characteristic. Ask them if they can teach it to you. This week the children will compare the cells of plants and animals and make their own cells. They will study the characteristics of the one celled organisms - bacteria and protists. You may review these questions with them: What is the building block of all living things? (Cells) What is the part to the cell that controls the functions of the cell? (nucleous) What are one celled organisms with a nucleous? ( protist) What is an organism? ( a living thing) What is the most abundant of all living things? (bacteria)
Social Studies The students will identify the states in the Northeast Region. They complete a map of the Northeast Region labeling the states and the important bodies of water. They will have guidelines as to how it should be filled in and a grade will be taken on accuracy and neatness. We will begin our "train tour" of the Northeast Region at Niagara Falls. The students will identify the two Great Lakes between which Niagara Falls is located, and the two main features for which Niagara Falls is known for.
Friday, September 12, 2008
News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class
Monday, September 15- Magazine Kick Off
Monday, September 15 - Band information Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 16 - Early dismissal at 11:00 a.m.
Thank you for attending the curriculum night last night. If you were not able to attend, I have sent the notes that we discussed with your child. Please return the information sheet and the fourth grade policy sheet. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
Spelling - We will have a test on Friday. Please have your child practice writing their words at lease one time each night.
Reading There will be a vocabulary quiz on Friday of this week. The students have the words in their reading folder and should be reviewing them. They should know the definitions and be able to write them in a good sentence to show they understand the meaning of the word.
Language Arts -This week we will go over more uses for commas, and the correct way to write direct quotations and titles. A test is planned for Tuesday, September 23 on Unit 5 in our English books.
Math - This week in math we will have a test over chapter one. It will be given on Wednesday. Please review writing numbers in standard form, and expanded form. Please have them practice identifying the value of a digit in the numbers up to 100,000,000. They should also be able to put numbers in in the millions in order from greatest to least and least to greatest. They should bring their books home to practice the skills and review at the end of the chapter and the problem solving.
We will also begin a unit on adding and subtracting whole numbers. They should practice their addtion and subtraction facts. They will be rounding whole numbers through the millions.
Science - The test over Inquiry skills will be on Tuesday. The students should study the sheets that are their folders, and their textbooks. Homework will go home on Monday to help them review the skills and study.
They should know:
all highlighted vocabulary
the tools used for inquiry
inquiry skills
variables- What are they? Why are they important in an experiment?
how to find the volume of a solid
the steps of the scientific method in order and be able to identify them
Why is building a model important?
Social Studies - This week the students will learn about their freedoms and rights as a U.S. citizens. They will also identify at least three responsiblities they have in being a U.S. citizen.
Our test in social studies has been postponed. It will now be on Thursday of this week.
The children should study all the sheets in their binders. They will have worksheets and their "Patriotic Quest" in their folders. They should study that as well as the vocabulary from the unit and the key concepts at the end of each lesson.
Things to know:
all vocabulary
branches of government, location, main person in the branch, jobs of each
levels of government
constitution-ways it can be changed
facts about becoming a U.S. citizen
responsiblities as a U.S. citizen and children of the U.S.
Think at discuss with your child:
Why is it important to vote?
Which branch of government would they like to be in? Why? Reasons should show knowledge of the branch they choose.
Friday, September 5, 2008
News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room
Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 11th at 7:00.
Math This week in math the students will be working on comparing and ordering whole numbers through the millions. Any extra practice that you can have your child doing will help them greatly. They can practice reading numbers in the millions and the hundred thousands. They can practice writing the expanded form of numbers. Look in their folders for terms and examples. It will also help them to review and go over the things in their math folders.
A test is planned for Friday of this week over Unit 1.
Reading This week we will be reading stories and applying the preview and predict reading strategies. We will also continue discussions about the author's view point and purpose for writing the stories. New vocabulary will be introduced with the different stories and the children will be assessed on their knowledge of the skills that we have been working on over the last few weeks.
Their independent reading folder will go home this week. The directions are on the top of the folder, and I willexplain them to your child. This is an independent program, however, they will be given a grade on their participation. A point will be given everytime they turn in their folders. Each session is worth 4 points. There is a deadline for each session and it shown on the inside of their folders. I will explain this more on curriculum night.
English This week the students will continue to learn about capital letters and writing abbreviations correctly. They will have a quiz on abbreviating and capitalizing the names of the days of the week and months on Friday. They should practice each evening at home. They will also review putting commas in a series.
Spelling This week the rule is keep the silent e with endings that begin with a consonant. Test on Friday.
Social Studies The students will go on a "Patriotic Quest" as they learn about the U.S. Constitution, three branches of government, and the responsibilities of each.
A test is planned for September 17th. It will cover the information in unit 1 lessons 2 & 3. The children will be bringing home papers, in their social studies binder, that they should review and know the information on. The concepts can be difficult so it is a good idea to review each night.
Science This week the students will understand and explain how inquiry skills help scientists learn and understand. They will apply those skills as they create staw models. They will also explain the steps in the scientific method and how this method helps scientists gain knowledge.
A test in science is planned for September 16th. It will cover the information on pages 1-37.
They should study:
- study all worksheets/graphic organizers in science folder
- vocabulary and concepts throughout the chapter
- the tools of inquiry/uses (use the quiz they took last week to help you study those facts)
- finding the volume of a solid (lenth x width x height) they are allowed to use a calculator for this
- variables
- inquiry skills
- the steps in the scientific method
- application of knowledge