Friday, May 30, 2008

Congratulations on a successful year in fourth grade! I can't believe that the last week of school is here, and I just want to thank you for your support all year long. Your children have all been wonderful students and they are truly amazing children. Most of you know, that although I have been in the district for many years, this was my first year teaching fourth grade, and I have to say that I loved it. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and patience, and thank you for guiding your children through their learning experiences throughout this year.

This week in review:

We will finish our study of the west. The students will finish their region scrapbook.

We will finish our mystery unit and have a detective day on Tuesday. The students may dress up as their favorite spy. We will try to solve some interesting mysteries using some of our forensic skills that we have learned.

Tuesday: bowling in the P.M.

Wednesday: We will make our memory books. The PTO will sponsor a picnic and games.

Thursday: Last day of school. Report cards go home. 9:00 dismissal.

Have a wonderful and safe summer!

Friday, May 23, 2008

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Class May 27-30

Important District News:

RTI - Center Cass School District #66 is in the process of implementing an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mandate, Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is an array of procedures that can be used to determine if and how students respond to specific changes in instruction. RTI provides an improved process and structure for school teams in designing, implementing, and evaluating educational interventions.

Please look for the additional information on RTI, which will beincluded with your child's end of the year Report Card.

YEARBOOKS: will be handed out to students on June 5th. Any students who did not purchase a yearbook may do so on a first-come-first-serve basis on June 5th; they will go on sale after morning announcements. The cost will be $10.00 and children wishing to purchase should have exact amount. Checks can be made out to Prairieview. There is a limited supply. Prairieview yearbook orders were not paid for at registration. A flyer was sent out in November and orders were due by Monday, December 3, 2007.

Classroom news:

Field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry will be on Thursday of this week. The children should bring money to buy lunch, at least $9.00, or a disposable sack lunch.

The children did a wonderful job with their "Living Wax Museum". Thank you for helping them to put this together.

Reading: This week the students will continue to read and solve mysteries.

English: The students will review contractions with pronouns and pronouns with homophones this week. We will have a test on pronouns on Thursday of this week over pronouns.

Science: The students will continue their study of sedimentary rocks. They will learn how and where sedimentary rocks are formed. They will then begin their study of Metamorphic rocks. The students will understand that metamorphic rocks are rocks which have been changed by heat, pressure, and chemical action.

A quiz over the different rocks will be given on Friday. The students should study

the meanings of : metamorphic, igneous, sedimentary, magma, volcano

They should know the following concepts:

What are rocks made of? (minerals)

Igneous rocks with ____________ crystals form inside the earth slowly. (large)

Sedimentary rocks with ____________ sediments were formed far from shore. (small/light)

How are metamorphic rocks formed? (by heat and pressure upon other rocks)

How can igneous rocks be classified? ( large crystals , small crystals, or no crystals)

How is graite formed? ( It has large crystals so it cooled slowly whe it was formed.)

How does a rock with no crystals cool? (immediately)

What are minerals? Know your four facts about minerals.

Social Studies This week an optional test over chapter 11 will be given on Wednesday. This is for those students who feel they need a score to help raise their grade. So if your child is on the border line between an A or a B or a B or C or C or D etc. They can take the test if they choose. The students have their books in their bags to study over the weekend if they need to. Vocabulary and key concepts will be tested. No essay questions.

Math No formal math this week.

Friday, May 16, 2008

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class May 19-23

We will be going to Robert Crown Health Center on Monday. We will eat lunch at the regular time.

Our final Reading Club party will be on Wednesday of this week. Sorry about the confusion with the date in their folders. All folders need to be turned in by Tuesday of next week to get the full 4 points for their grade.

We will also have a "Wax Museum" on Thursday of this week. A letter will follow inviting parents to come.

Reading We will continue our mystery investigations. The students will work in with their detective agencies to solve the crimes.

Language arts- The students will begin a unit on pronouns. They will learn what pronouns are and then be able to distinguish between subject pronouns and object pronouns. They will also learn the correct way to use I and me in a sentence. A test will be given on pronouns on Wednesday of the following week.

The students will write an expository essay to explain the impact of air conditioning and irrigation on the life in the Southwest desert.

Social Studies The students will review the influence of the Spanish on Mexican culture. They will learn how irrigation has affected the economy of the Southwest. A test over chapter 11 will be given on Thursday.

The students should study:


Concepts at the end of each lesson of the chapter

Be able to explain in detail the impact that air conditioning and irrigation had on the life in the Southwest dessert.

Math Since there is a class that is going to the museum on Tuesday. We will not have the math test on Tuesday. There will be an assignment on Tuesday to help the children review. They should still study over the text book as well. The test over chapter 6 will be on Wednesday.Please help your child review the concepts in this chapter. Some need to review their math multiplicaation facts as well as estimation skills in order to be successful on the test. Also, there will be a division mixed facts test on Friday of next week. We will begin a unit on on long division chapter 8.

Friday, May 9, 2008

News from Mrs. Cavoto's class May 12-16

Reading - Our detectives have been busy solving mysteries all week. You may want to ask them what mystery was their favorite so far. This week the students will take a vocabulary quiz on the mystery words/terms that are in their detective notebook on Wednesday of this week. They should know the meanings and be able to identify a specifc term when given an example.

English We will review expository writing this week. The students will be asked to write about things in science or social studies that they have learned, while learning the elements of expository writing.

They have been busy working on their famous Illinoisan report and are ready to make their "Just Look" book. They should be thinking of a costume, symbols, poster, etc. that will represent their famous Illinoisan. They will need to prepare to be that person and tell the important facts about themelves when we have our Wax Museum on display. More information will follow.

Social Studies The students will learn about the people of the Southwest. They will learn about the Navajo culture and the Spanish influence in the Southwest. Cowboys and cowgirls will be discussed and their roles in the Southwest.

Science The students will take a quiz on minerals on Tuesday. They learned a song to help them remember the mineral facts, and they have the information to study in their binders.

They will also learn about the different layers of the earth and the kind of rocks that make up each layer: mantle, inner core, crust, outer core.

We will watch a video on the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. The students will create a mixture which will demonstrate the way the rock deep in the earth reacts under pressure and then how it reacts when the pressure is released. This might be messy!

Math Last week in math the students reviewed multiplying two digit numbers by multiples of ten. This week the students will work on multiplcation of two digit by two digit numbers and two digit by 3 digit numbers. Again, this is a new skill and a difficult one to learn. Your child may need to review.

Friday, May 2, 2008

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 5- May 9

We would like to thank Mr. Quinn, Daniel Quinn's father, who came to our class on Thursday afternoon. He shared with the class his knowledge of rocks and minerals and brought in many examples for the children to actually touch and see.

Reading Last week we began our mystery unit by solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery together. Then the students set up their own detective agencies. This week the students will work together in their detective agencies to solve more mysteries. As they solve the mysteries, they will learn about the elements in a mystery such as characters, setting, plot, clues, distractions, and structure. They will also become familiar with they mystery words: alibi, breakthrough, clue, crime, deduction, detective, evidence, hunch, motive, red herring, sleuth, suspect, and witness. You might want to ask them their detective name and the name of their agency. What was the speckled band? How was the mystery solved?

English This week the students are writing their final drafts of their candy persuasives. They will then share them with the class. We will learn the elements of expository writing this week. The students will compare persausive to expository writing and notice the similarites/differences between them.

Social Studies Last week in social studies the students were grouped and responsible for reading and gathering information about the Grand Canyon. They then had to make a poster about the different things that they learned. After that they had to teach the class about what they learned about the Grand Canyon. All the students were responsible for learning from each other as the presentations were given. They all did a very nice job. This week the students will continue to learn about the climate in the Southwest and how the Saguaro is important to the animals who live in the desert. They will also learn how the technology of the Southwest has impacted the United States.

A test over chapter 10 will be on Friday of this week. Things that the students should study for the test:

Know all the highlighted vocabulary and famous people(Coronado,, Cardenas, Powell, Theodore Roosevelt)

Be able to explain how the Grand Canyon was formed and why it is still changing today.

Who were the Native Americans that lived in the Grand Canyon hundreds of years ago?

Why was the Grand Canyon made a national park, and why do people want to visit it today?

Explain what the climate of the Southwest is like.

How has the saguaro adapted to living in the desert, and how does it help the desert life there?

What is a technology industry? Explain the technology that is important that exists in the Southwest?

How do oil and technology play an important role in the economy of the Southwest? Oil is important to the Southwest because oil can be made into many products like gas, medicines, clothing, detregents, asphalt. So many people are needed to get the oil out of the ground and then turn it into these products. People will travel to places in the Southwest for these jobs, and to start new businesses. Technology is also important for the economy. The businesses that make electronic equipment, computers, missles etc. need educated people to help them create their products. Then they need people to work in the factories and sell them. They also attract people to work at the laboratories and train in the space center. More people and jobs help the economy in the Southwest to grow.

Do you remember the states in the Southwest and the important rivers that flow through them?

Science Last week in science the students tested minerals to find the properties of hardness, luster, color, texture, streak, acidity, and magnetism. This week we will learn how to use specific gravity(weight of an object compared with an equal amount of water) and cleavage, how a rock breaks apart, to help us with our identification of the different minerals.

Math This week in math we will continue to practice addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators. They will also work on the Guess and Check problem solving skill.

We will have a test over chapter 9 on Thursday of this week. This chapter has many new skills. Your child may need to practice these skills at home to feel confident with them. Thank you for any extra practice that you can give them.